The fencing is in! Yesterday we finished removing the last 2 rows of sod, put the edging in and got the fencing completed and the boards are in place on the low end to help catching the soil. We are ready to bring the alpaca compost in (I'm sure my neighbor will be glad to see it leave my driveway) and define the paths.

The weather was overcast and a bit breezy yesterday with a high of about 40 I think. We had a crazy spring snow storm drop something like 6"-8" all over town in about 3-5 hours last night. Springtime in the Rockies! At least it's a good heavy, wet snow, the greening grass will appreciate the moisture. We warm right back up tomorrow, about 45 I hear with mostly sunny skies...we will see weather man...we will see. That 45 makes today's 10 with crazy wind seem like a summer heat wave.
I can see it, see it all grown and big with a bounty of food hanging from it's heavy limbs. The vision is my heaven on Earth. I cannot wait!
I had to buy myself something Spring yesterday at the store and I found these golden rays of sunshine. They where even on sale for $1.50 a bunch instead of the usual $2.99, I bought 3 bunches, must have been fate.

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